Automatic and touchless entry systems are found in almost every
commercial property. They provide a welcoming, secure, user friendly
access point for clients and visitors and blend seamlessly into the
buildings’ architecture. Automatic doors can either be designed as a
standalone system or be integrated into the building’s access control
systems. ICE Security offer both of these services and with our
knowledge and experience in the access control industry are able to
provide a turn key solution for any situation.
ICE Security are especially equipped to assist with both S3.1
(Automatic Doors) and S3.2 (Access Controlled Doors), making us one of
only a few specialist security companies in this field.
Security are able to perform the role of three contractors, namely
Security Company “A”, Auto Door Company “B” and IQP Company “C”, saving
you time and money. We are able to deal directly with building
management or compliance agents ensuring all correct documentation is
correct and timely. Furthermore, as qualified service technicians we can
repair or replace faulty or non compliant issues on the spot - we can keep your building moving.